Prarthana or “Prar”, thats me! People have called me a fearless wingleader, a vision commander, the remover of obstacles, a tracker of outcomes & a barrier of distractions. I do this personally or with a leadership team so we can do our best and deliver great products.

I’ll be using this site to share with you top of mind learnings of my unique adventures. People who know me will often say that I always choose the Unlikely Path. My path is full of challenges but this is where I find the most growth. No one said ever “Growth is easy”.
I hope you can enjoy the sentiments, stories, and learnings from my adventures in career and life. Oh and I write as I would talk. Some say like Jack Kerouac with just a stream of consciousness.
Did I mention I hate writing? Let’s hope I improve through this process. As you will notice full of run-on sentences and misspellings. It’s not perfect but its lots of thoughts. If you learn something great if not well thanks for listening. Feel free to comment and share.
This blog represents my personal thinking and may reference work that I’ve done with design forum, gelcomm, Nokia, Artefact, T-mobile, Microsoft, Skype, Soundcloud, Hubrick, Shopify and Atlassian.
Also, my partner and four boys are a great part of our journey. My decisions consider or impact them, but they are always up for the adventure and I may mention them time to time.